The best way to build spatial

Build Fast

Foundry provides everything you need to create multiplayer applications, letting you focus building what makes your ideas unique, instead of reinventing the wheel.

Own What You Build

Foundry is built on Unity and open source, so you know what our code does, and unlike other solutions, you decide where to host your servers.

Create The Future

The future is spatial. Whether or not the Metaverse ends up existing, you probably want to be part of this exciting and entirely new way to experience the world. Foundry provides an easy start.




Netcode is the hardest part of any multi user experience. Nearly every Foundry script is networked for you already, and we provide an easy-to-use wrapper that supports many different Unity networking backends that can make creating custom scripts a breeze.


In immersive applications, interactions can make or break an experience. Foundry provides a variety of scripts and prefabs that makes creating lifelike interactions smooth and easy.

Avatars & IK

Avatars are the way we experience virtual worlds, and it’s important that they reflect us or the identity we are taking on. Foundry comes with a custom IK solution and optional modules for popular avatar providers such as Ready Player Me.

Open Source

The Core of foundry and many of our modules for it are open source, so you can feel confident knowing that you’ll always have access to what you need to keep improving your projects.


Building a full experience from scratch is hard, that’s why we provide many pre-built prefabs and scenes to show you what a completed project looks like.


Foundry is much more than just core, it is built in such a way to allow modules built by both us and the community to add and replace core functionality.


Foundry is perfect for creators and busnesses of all sizes

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Vision of a metaverse

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